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    Philippe Goldin, PhD, Director, Professor

    Philippe in elevator

    Philippe Goldin earned a Ph.D. in Psychology at Rutgers University, directed the Clinically Applied Affective Neuroscience laboratory at Stanford University for a decade and is now a tenured associate professor and founding faculty in the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at the University of California Davis Health System. His NIH-funded clinical research focuses on functional neuroimaging of emotion regulation mechanisms of mindfulness meditation, compassion meditation, cognitive-behavioural therapy and aerobic exercise in adults with anxiety, mood, and chronic pain disorders. Dr. Goldin helped develop the Search Inside Yourself program at Google and also the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI.org) which delivers mindfulness-based emotional intelligence and leadership skills training programs world-wide, as well as the Compassion Cultivation Training program at Center for Compassion, Altruism, Research and Education at Stanford University.

    Sucharit Katyal, PhD, Post-Doctoral Scientist

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    Sucharit Katyal received his PhD in Psychology from University of Texas at Austin and followed it up by a 3-year postdoc at the University of Minnesota. His past research includes studying neuroscience of visual perception and cognition using neuroimaging and neuroelectric techniques. He is currently interested in investigating the psychosomatic states and traits of the meditative mind such that, 1) contemplative neurosciences can be closely integrated with cognitive neurosciences, and 2) we have a better understanding of how to use contemplative therapy suited to each individual’s needs.

    Matthew Thurston, Lab Manager


    Matthew Thurston is completing a B.S. in Neuroscience at California State University, Sacramento, and is lab manager for the CAAN Goldin Lab at the University of California, Davis. As lab manager Matt assists with designing studies, data collection, statistical analysis and preparation of manuscripts, as well as supporting lab personnel and current studies. Matt is planning to attend graduate school and earn a Ph.D. to become an independent researcher within the behavioral sciences. His long-term research interests include studying how psychosocial clinical interventions impact emotional well-being and life satisfaction in adult survivors of various forms of childhood abuse and/or neglect, using both functional neuroimaging and psychological assessments.

    Nikki Potter, Research Assistant


    Nikki Potter is a research assistant for the CAAN Goldin lab at the University of California, Davis. She received her B.A. in Psychology from California State University, Sacramento where she is currently pursuing her master’s in Bio-Psychology. Upon graduating, she hopes to obtain her Ph.D. in neuroscience. Her long-term research interests include studying the effects of repetitive traumatic brain injuries in athletes, along with the production and neurodegeneration of chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

    Santiago Allende, Research Assistant

    Space and Time

    Santiago Allende is a research assistant for the CAAN Lab. He received a B.A. in Psychology at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Santi is excited about the emerging field of clinically applied contemplative science. He is particularly interested in investigating how compassionate imagery and self-talk in contemplative practices impact neural and behavioral correlates of emotion regulation and self-concept. In the future, he would like to earn his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.

    Mia Schneider-Martin, Research Assistant


    Mia Schneider-Martin is a research assistant for the CAAN Goldin Lab at the University of California, Davis and is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology with a focus on Mathematics at UC Davis. She is excited to investigate the benefits of mindfulness and other compassion practices on the body and psyche. She is also interested in learning about the statistical analysis of experimental findings. Upon graduating, she hopes to assist in more research and eventually attend graduate school and earn a Ph.D. in Psychology.