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    We are conducting research on

    • the neural bases of emotion regulation in adults with social anxiety disorder
    • how cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness meditation training impact the neural bases of emotion regulation, attention regulation, social self-views in adults with social anxiety disorder
    • the impact of cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness meditation training on the neural bases of attention regulation and cognitive regulation of emotional reactivity in adults with chronic back pain
    • the impact of compassion meditation training on emotion, emotion regulation and well being in adults
    • the impact of brief mindfulness meditation training on emotion regulation and well being in high school students
    • online versus in-person mindfulness meditation training for adults with chronic pain conditions

    We are currently recruiting for a 2-month pilot study of compassion meditation training for adults in Sacramento, California

    that begins in February 2016 .

    If you are interested in being a participant in our compassion meditation training research study please click here.